Samantha Haitsma
Born: 1986Length: 1.65m (5’5′)
Hair: red-blond (long)
Eyes: brown
2021 Camera Acting | Film Actors Academy Amsterdam2021 Actors Studio | André Landzaat
2021 Method Acting | David Corbett
2021 Screen Fighting | Action pact
2021 Physical Theatre | Theaterschool Groningen
2021 Advanced Theatre | De Toneelmeester Amsterdam
2016 Historical sword fighting | Vanguard
2016 Prose & Screenplay | Schrijversvakschool Amsterdam
2014 Meisner-Esper | Acting Studio Paul Dekker
2013 Improv Comedy | Stranger Things Have Happened
2012 Shakespeare | Lina Daye
Skills: Screen fighting, horseback riding, (figure) swimming, dancingDriving license: Yes
Languages: Dutch (native), English (fluent)
Accents: US, British
Acting CV
Film / TV
2024 Warriors of Stone | Doctors beyond borders | Salim Khassa (pre-prod)2016 Injurious Nightmare | Zoe | Tonny Vanderavert
2015 De Maatschap | Ass. B. Moszkowicz | Michiel van Jaarsveld | VPRO
2015 Dagboek van een Callgirl | Date Ben | Joris van den Berg | NET5
2015 Henry VIII: A Royal Love | Anne Boleyn | Anthony Roemermann
2014 Henry VIII: The Male Heir | Anne Boleyn | Saskia Kamphuis
2014 De Confrontatie | Ilse Jonker | Brian op de Dijk
2024 Gebreuken Vleugels | Mother | Nina Zandvliet2021 Het Laatste Woord | Funeral undertaker | Nicolien Kool
2016 Pose | Ex-girlfriend | Vincent Plu
2016 Coma | Sophie | Stefan de Boggende
2016 I Wish | Evelyne | Mehdi Janah
2015 Pure Woorden | Journalist | Stephen Kearney
2015 No Way Out | Sister | Evelyne de Boeck
2015 Om Zeep | Soap actress | Piet van Steen
2015 Spin | Room mate | Marc Raps
2015 Viewfinder | Mother, refugee | Jim Kastelijns
2014 Kweekzusje | Sister | Anne Perine
2014 Voor Wie? | Scientist | Robin de Ridder
Voice over
2015 Headbangers | Intercom stem | David Monypenny2014 Bike Cycle | Verslaggever | David Monypenny
2014 Memento Mori | Voice over | Robin de Ridder
2015 Bij het kanaal naar links | Verslaafde | Edwin Klazinga2014 Brothers Grimm Spectaculathon | Evil Enchantress | Bobby Makariev
2014 Confusions | Mrs Pierce, Bernice & Bird lady | Noa Nikolsky
2013 The Internationals | International violin player | Kees de Vries
2012 Apocalypso | Zwerver, Siamese tweeling | Jorrit Boonstra
Writing CV
2023 Historical feature (in development)2022 Warriors of Stone | Creative Assistant | Salim Khassa (pre-prod)
2022 Sam on a Mission | Writing coach
2021 Short film | Screenwriter
2021 TV-Pilot | Screenwriter
2019> Blogs & Courses | Content Creator
2017> Friesland Schrijft | Writing Teacher
2010> Novels & Screenplays | Author/Screenwriter
2014 Voor Wie? | Co-writer | Robin de Ridder
2022 Sam on a Mission | Content Creator | Own2020 Vloghulp | Videographer/Marketeer | Own
2015 Advertentie | Production assistant | Timur Ismailov
2015 Mijn zoon is Jihadist | Production assistant | Sander Burger
2015 De Prijs van de Waarheid | Production assistant | Danyael Sugawara
2014 Bike Cycle | Assistant Director | David Monypenny
2014 Vlindertijd | Continuity | Hans Scheepmaker
2014 Michiel de Ruyter | Production assistant | Roel Reiné